This tools allows adding new SIP users, listing (offline/online/all) the SIP users and changes to the SIP users' settings.
The User Management Tool is featured for OpenSIPS' user provisioning. There is the posibility of adding new user, deleting a user and also his alias, searching for a certainn user or showing the whole content of the subscriber table.
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Database layer configuration file :
Attributes set in this file :
Local configuration file :
Attributes set in this file :
Attributes the controll the listing of SIP user records.
// the number of results listed on a page $config->results_per_page = 10; // the number of pages per range $config->results_page_range = 10;
Attributes that control the DB tables
$config->table_users = "subscriber"; $config->table_location = "location"; $config->table_aliases = array("DBaliases"=>"dbaliases");
Password mode:
This array controls the way the SIP user password is going to be saved in the database, by setting:
the password will be saved in a text mode, by setting:
$config->passwd_mode=1 the password will be saved in a chyphered way (password field will be empty and ha1 will be calculated)
Extra fields in subscriber table
This option allow you to define extra fields in the subscriber table (other than the ones created by default by OpenSIPS) - these additional fields will be managed (added, displaied and modified) by the tool, for each user
// Key is the column name, the value is the Display name $config->subs_extra = array(); $config->subs_extra['first_name'] = "First Name" ; $config->subs_extra['last_name'] = "Last Name" ;