Dispatcher Tool


This tool maps over the Dispatcher OpenSIPS module, which implements a dispatching routing over a set of destination addresses.

The tool provides support for provisioning the dispaching sets (and their entries) - you can add, edit or delete a rule from a specific dispatching set. Following is an explanation of the actions performed by the buttons on the page:

NOTE: all the changes are done in database. To apply them into your OpenSIPS, you need to click on "Reload on Server" button

Besides the DB provisioning, the tools is also providing realtime information about the status of each dispatching destination - if enabled or not, if in probing mode. This state can be changed via the tool also. This interaction with OpenSIPS is done via Management Interface.




Tool specific settings are configurable via the setting panel - see gear-icon in the tool header.

All settings are explained via ToolTip and have format validation.