OpenSIPS Control Panel version class 8 (8.3.2, 8.3.1, 8.3.0 or 8.2.4) documentation
OpenSIPS Control Panel version 9 docs are here (9.3.2 for OpenSIPS 3.2).
OpenSIPS Control Panel version 7 docs are here (7.2.3 for OpenSIPS 2.3).
Browse the documentation:
- Global configuration
- Module Configuration - detailed description
- SIP Users Class - Provision various information related to the OpenSIPS SIP subscribers.
- Provison Users - create, edit or remove SIP Subscribers (along with their attributes)
- Provison Aliases - create, edit or remove SIP Aliases for the SIP Subscribers
- Provison ACLs - set/reset permissions (ACLs) for the the SIP Subscribers
- System Class - Tools for provisioning various non-subscriber features in OpenSIPS.
- CDR Viewer - list and search through the CDRs produced by OpenSIPS
- Call Center - provision and manage the Call Center module in terms of flows, agents and calls
- Clusterer - provision and manage the OpenSIPS built-in Clusterer module
- Dialog - list ongoing calls and dispaly profile information
- Dialplan - provision the Diaplan module, by adding, editing and removing diaplan rules
- Dispatcher - provision and monitor the Dispacher module (dispatching sets and destinations)
- Domains - manage the SIP domains used by OpenSIPS via Domain module
- Dynamic Routing - provision gateway routing / LCR via routing rules, carriers and gateways
- Homer - integration with the HOMER web portal for SIPCapture-ing
- Load Balancer - provision and monitor the Load Balancing module
- MI Commands - run OpenSIPS commands via Management Interface
- Monit - integration with the Monit monitoring service
- Permissions - provision IP based access permissions via Permissions module
- RTPEngine - provision and manage the RTPEngine instances used by OpenSIPS
- RTPProxy - provision and manage the RTPproxy instances used by OpenSIPS
- SIPtrace - viewer of the SIP data captured via the siptrace module
- Statistics Monitor - viewer and charter for the statistics provided by OpenSIPS
- TLS Management - handle the set of TLS certificates used by OpenSIPS (for SIP, DB, WSS, etc)
- TViewer - generic and customizable SQL Table Viewer
- UAC registrant - provisioning for Client Registrations of OpenSIPS (available starting with 8.3.0)
- SMPP Gateway - provisioning of SMS Centers to be used by the OpenSIPS SMPP Gateway (available starting with 8.3.0)
- SIP Users Class - Provision various information related to the OpenSIPS SIP subscribers.